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My Woman is a Nautical BAD Ass

August 30, 2015 // 3 Comments

My water-woman, Ellen, is a Nautical Bad-Ass. Today she proved it again. We were running long lines between two shores in a narrow inlet on Paxos Island in Greece. The winds were blowing 10-20 knots and we had maybe 80-100 feet between the two shorelines. My water-woman and her smile that keeps the [read more]

Evolution of a Fisherwoman

August 8, 2015 // 4 Comments

I’ve come a long way from the first fish we caught on Golden Glow, which happened last Labor Day weekend in Gardiner’s Bay, at the end of New York’s Long Island. Is there such thing as an accidental catching? We were beginning our sail back to NYC after a wonderful holiday weekend [read more]