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My Woman is a Nautical BAD Ass

Ellen is amazing and a nuatical BAD-Ass

She is a total bad ass My Water-Woman is a Nautical Bad-Ass

My water-woman, Ellen, is a Nautical Bad-Ass. Today she proved it again. We were running long lines between two shores in a narrow inlet on Paxos Island in Greece. The winds were blowing 10-20 knots and we had maybe 80-100 feet between the two shorelines.

Water-woman and her smile that keeps the sun always shining

My water-woman and her smile that keeps the sun always shining

Ellen jumped overboard to run the two lines from Golden Glow to the two shores. The shores were razor sharp, jagged limestone to make her job a little more interesting. She secured Golden Glow while I was keeping the boat safely off the rocks on each side. When we finally left the inlet she, again, swam like a Navy SEAL between each shore and freed the lines, I reflected on how Bad Ass my water woman is and then started singing to her in rhymes as I do sometimes. Here is the poem that celebrates my water-woman Nautical Bad-Ass, as paraphrased from my impromptu singing. She is one N-B-A!

My Water-woman is one Nautical Bad-Ass

My woman is a Nautical Bad Ass

Like a Navy SEAL: she is first class

She takes sailing problems to task

and serves me coffee with a flask.


My sailing partner is #1: the best

Popeye respects Ellen the Nautical Bad-ass

Popeye respects Ellen the Nautical Bad-ass

She eats spinach for breakfast

Popeye has her name tattooed on his chest

In 15 foot seas she reads books below-deck.


My woman is the Admiral of our fleets

With her tongue she ties off cleats

Barehanded she brings in the sheets

and takes on Force 9 while she tweets.


My Moonlit Nauti-gal Bad Ass

My Moonlit Nauti-gal Bad Ass

My luscious gal is the Pirate Queen

No badder-ass have I ever seen

She keeps the boat sparkling clean

And is the answer to all of my dreams.


My co-captain of the seven seas

Must be Neptune’s beloved niece

She drives Golden Glow with ease

As we midnight med-moor in Greece.


Nautical bad ass keeping it clean

Nautical bad ass keeping it clean

My sailing woman is most courageous

She wakes up each morning drop-dead gorgeous

Her laughter is internationally contagious

The fish she catches are outrageous.


My water-woman is a Nautical BAD Ass.

She does an amazing weather forecast

She charts a course with panache

and whips-up 4 courses in a flash.
My water-woman is a Nautical BAD Ass.

How Bad Ass is that?

How Bad Ass is that?

Root Veggie Feast done up Nautical Bad Ass style

Root Veggie Feast done up Nautical Bad Ass style

3 Comments on My Woman is a Nautical BAD Ass

  1. We are very lucky men … My indescribably beautiful Sharon is also a NBA !

  2. peter meldrum // August 31, 2015 at 3:53 pm // Reply

    where can I find one like Ellen

    • Hey Peter.
      Took me 46 years so not sure I would be any help on that.
      Yesterday on the hard, she was upside down cleaning rust out of the anchor locker while I was replacing some anchor chain.
      You can’t make this stuff up.

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