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October 2014

Alternative Power Generation – Pedal Pushing?

October 31, 2014 // 0 Comments

I’ve seen – and even tried out – power-generating bikes. In February, I noticed them at the airport in Paris where they were being used to charge cellphones. The next week, at the TED conference in Vancouver, I got to make a smoothie in a blender attached to a power-producing bike [read more]

Our Detour on the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW)

October 30, 2014 // 0 Comments

It’s well known among cruisers that the greatest risk to sailors is a schedule. However, we found ourselves up against the dreaded calendar when it came time to depart Annapolis and bring the boat to Charleston where we would be leaving it for a month while we took care of various matters on [read more]

A Wedding Weekend Away

October 23, 2014 // 1 Comment

What better reason is there to leave the boat than a wedding! In this case, we left Golden Glow in Annapolis for the long weekend and went to Philadelphia  to celebrate the wedding of my firstborn, Zachary Stiefler, and his beautiful and brillant bride Jessica Wirth Stiefler. The Professional [read more]

Time to Catch Up with Friends in Annapolis

October 17, 2014 // 0 Comments

Traveling the world at roughly 5-9 knots is a great way to force ourselves to slow down. We (okay, me) still have a tendency to focus on destinations and “getting there.” Which is one reason Annapolis was such a treat, especially since we got to spend several weeks there, and because we [read more]

Mosquitoes in the Fridge

October 10, 2014 // 0 Comments

As we were heading up the East Coast from Florida we were hearing mosquitoes and flies in the salon and kitchen.  At first we were amazed as we were over 40 miles off shore where there are normally few flying insects, then we were curious as we could not see a single fly or mosquito.  On closer [read more]

Circumnavigation To-Do list

October 9, 2014 // 0 Comments

As any boat owner knows the “to-do” list seems to always grow faster than it shrinks.  On Golden Glow, we have five months to get her ready for a multi-year adventure and that is like miracle-grow for a to-do list. The good news: Antares is a great catamaran, already designed with [read more]

Lunar Glow over Golden Glow

October 8, 2014 // 0 Comments

Lunar Eclipse Glow over Movie Director Barry Levinson’s house on Spa Creek Sun Rise over the Annapolis Yacht Club on a Lunar Eclipse Moon Set Another fine morning on Golden Glow as the Blood Orange Lunar Eclipse set over our bow and the sun rises over our stern.  I awoke Ellen and was [read more]

A boat Becomes a home

October 6, 2014 // 0 Comments

Monday morning…set up for work with computer, coffee, and a beautiful orchid that was our first boat-warming gift – thanks Sandy and Bill (and for the Yacht Club dinner last night) [read more]

An Annapolis Institution – and I don’t mean the Naval Academy

October 5, 2014 // 0 Comments

Chick & Ruth’s Delly was a stone’s throw from Golden Glow, just up Main Street from the City Dock. We knew it must be good when we walked by because there were lines out the door, people waiting all around the sidewalk to be called in, and it was bustlingly busy inside Ted Levitt [read more]

Bound for Boat Show

October 4, 2014 // 0 Comments

Bound for the SailBoat Show in Annapolis, MD, we left New England and sailed south from NY along the Atlantic Coast. We stopped for one night in historic Cape May, NJ where we filled up on Lobster Rolls, local fudge and local beer as well as an eyeful of Victorian architecture. After a night in [read more]
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