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Galley Lighting Upgrade

There was an under-lighted area at the far left of our galley, adjacent to the aft guest cabin and across from the tall wood-encased unit housing the refrigerator and freezer. In this area, there are two cupboard cabinets, one above the other, stocked full of provisions. After dark, I occasionally resorted to wearing a headlamp or using a luci light when I needed to find something in these cabinets, especially if what I was looking for wasn’t right in the front.  There was just not enough light in that area to see into the cabinets.

Handy Randy to the rescue! Today, Rand took down the ceiling panel and added another can light in this area of the kitchen.

Let there be light!


Other lighting upgrades (photos to follow): we upgraded the LED lights in the cockpit to allow for both white and night ‘red’ LED dimming lights. This resulted in having several extra dimming white only LED lights that match the inside designs so we could add additional light where we needed it.We a lso have upgraded all the courtesy lights on the transom steps, inside salon and inside steps to blue. This helps when on passage so the inside of the boat can be lit with minimal energy consumption while being easier on our night vision.

2 Comments on Galley Lighting Upgrade

  1. Priscilla and Art Ulene // May 6, 2016 at 8:13 pm // Reply

    Just a short note to let you know that you are often on our mind and in our heart. It has been a thrill just to follow your journey. Thank you for sharing it with us. Wishing you good health, much happiness and smooth sailing. Priscilla and Art

    • Dear Priscilla and Art,
      Thank you for your note. No one could inspire an adventure trip better than the two of you, our most intrepid adventuring inspirations. We carry you with us in our thoughts on our journey, and hope you come sail with us in some beautiful remote place in the world (if we can find one you haven’t already been to!)
      Know too that we are finding Art’s Cane Garden Bay squirrel friend in many of the bays and beaches we visit : )
      Love, Ellen & Rand

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